Daily Archives: September 25, 2010
Macro Micro
Most evenings, we have a lecture from one of the scientists or artists explaining their profession and the reason for being on this expedition. Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez gave us a very interesting presentation on ocean acidification. Debora studies microscopic plant cells[…..]
II I witness ice absorbed by the sea feeding her body of water warming current events on a bed she curtsies with the wind – swoons by the moon she rises and falls over again she resists – giving only[…..]
DJ Spooky at Monaco Glacier
Paul Miller (AKA DJ Spooky, That Subliminal Kid) is a peripatetic New York-based writer, artist and musician. Active globally, he has been DJing around the world since 1995. When not scaling glaciers and circumnavigating Arctic fiords, as he has been[…..]
Arctic Notes 8 – 9/25/10
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] Glacial Arktic Sketch, audio file Arktos Free-verse (scientific style!!!) “One day differed very little from another on board the ship, and the description of one is, in every particular of any importance, a[…..]
September 16th, 2010 Today we hoisted the sails for the first time and I fell in love with sailing: the ropes and pulleys, the way we had to all work together to lift up those massive sails bit by bit,[…..]
Был такой советский фильм “Дети капитана Гранта” по одноименному роману Жюля Верна. Главную роль там сыграл мальчик Яша Сегель. Может, еще кто-то помнит, как он лихо взбирается на верхушку мачты по веревочной лестнице и поет звонким голосом “А ну-ка песню[…..]