Author Archives: Nina Horstmann
Pocket monsters family picture
Not yet mentioned as crew members have been our small little friends and helpers: the pocket monsters. Deborah Warner is traveling under the guidance of her two little, brightly colored friends (which she got from a dear young friend to[…..]
The crew is on their way…
All 20 voyagers made it so far to Oslo. Excess luggage is over 150kg and the need for several empty water containers is still oblivious to some. And on we go. The next leg of the journey is Tromso and[…..]
Getting the gear together
Thanks for the short-term-donations of helpful ex-voyagers and others!
Nina Horstmann
Cape Farewell Project Co-ordinator, London Nina has worked at Cape Farewell for over two years and this is her first expedition. She is project manager of a number of Cape Farewell initiatives, including the voyage and Cape Farewell’s new international[…..]