Aisling / dreamnightmareaislingwomanvisionpoem
Eadar a bhith na seasamh gu buan
Fad na tìde buileach baileach
Agus fad aon tacain,
Fon uisge mun chuan,
Air na bacain
Air talamh tioram, Aileach.
Dùn Stamhanais 15-07-2011
eitherbothbetween in its standing hardylonglasting the length of the tideweathertime perfectfrugaladvantagecompletely and the length of one littletacksupportminute,
under the water-rain by the deceitpackharbouroceanbay, on the mockingknollcottagebalconycoveringhindrancestakes on pertfairunseasaoned-dry countrysoilground, Aileach
Dunstaffnage 15-07-2011
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