Ràn/ dissonantcry
An dèidh feasgar a chur seachad a’ seòladh thar na linne
(‘S a cainnt fhèin aice) ‘s fàs tinn ‘s nas tinne,
Chuir sinn air tìr ann an Rùm ‘s na fachaich ann ri ràn
Sa chaolas mun taigh-mhòr, cho ciùin agus rèidh,
Far an lìonmhor na cuileagan-meanbh ‘s na fèidh
Gu h-àrd anns a’ mhonadh eadar dhubh ’s bhàn.
Eilean Rùma 19-07-2011
fondafter putting past the vespersafternoon directshawlsailing across the agesound (with its own discourselanguage) and wastegrowbecoming nearsickaching and more nearsickaching, we put into coastbeachcountryland in Rum and the sandmartinmolepuffinshearwaters at their dissonantcry there in it
in the narrowkylesound by the big househome, so calmgentle and regularplaindone, where the minutemidgegnatflies and deer are netplentiful
high in the moormountain eitherbothbetween wickedmournfulblack and fallowgroundvacantwhite
Isle of Rum 19-07-2011
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