Gach rud an alt an aomadh a’ chuain
Agus, na dhèidh sin, àraid:
Air fàire, na siùil
‘S na seòladairean a’ seòladh a rèir an iùil;
Air taobh an fhuaraidh, ceann-ròin
A’ togail ceann
Mar na ròin an taobh thall a’ chaoil,
Ri blianadh air feadh Eilein Mhaoil.
Fèath-nan-eun ‘s na h-eòin
A’ biathadh air bhàrr nam beann
Fon chuan gun ghàir gun gheum,
Cho rèidh ri blàr; leumadair na leum
Is, air a’ chlàr-uachdair, càraid,
Bodach is cailleach nan cadal-suain.
everylittlepenisthing in nursingsectionvalleyleapjoint in the bendfalling surface of the deceitpackharbouroceanbay and, after for all that, worthypeculiar: on the dawnhillhorizon, the shawldirectionsails and the navigatorsailors floatinstructsailing according to their compassdirectionklandmarkknowledge; on cold windward a sealheadbuoy lifting its endhead like the rimfetherfrotherseals on the overfar side of the narrowkyle, leanflaskbasking all over Eilean Maol.
the poutbirds’ bogknowledgegentlebreezecalm and the piutbirds feeding on the creamcroptop of the headbinmountains under the deceitpackharbouroceanbay without a dincry or a bellowlow, as harmoniousreadyflat as a white-facedmarshbattlefield; a skipjackwhaledolphin sparksalmonleaping and, on the creamsurface staveboard-deck, a married couple, a half-bottlespectreoldcodboy and a withchwifie cordtwist delaysleeping
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