
In July 2011 Cape Farewell embarked on a month-long expedition by boat across the Scottish Islands, bringing the notion and experience of expedition home to the UK, with an exploration of island ecologies and cultures, and of the strategies for sustainable and resilient futures being implemented across the Scottish Isles. More ›

The Crew

The expedition crew of 40 includes island artists, storytellers, film makers, playwrights, architects, designers, musicians, community leaders, social scientists, ecologists, marine biologists, oceanographers, poets, acclaimed Gaelic singers and a chef.
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Video highlights

Watch video highlights from the expedition ›

Crows’ Nest

Crows nest
Fiona Cunningham-Reid, our filmmaker, wonders around our boat with her camcorder on the shoulder. She searches for a spot sheltered from the wind to ask about the “impact of Cape Farewell on our work”. I need an escape route. I say that first I want to take some altitude from the project and so decide... Read more ›