
In July 2011 Cape Farewell embarked on a month-long expedition by boat across the Scottish Islands, bringing the notion and experience of expedition home to the UK, with an exploration of island ecologies and cultures, and of the strategies for sustainable and resilient futures being implemented across the Scottish Isles. More ›

The Crew

The expedition crew of 40 includes island artists, storytellers, film makers, playwrights, architects, designers, musicians, community leaders, social scientists, ecologists, marine biologists, oceanographers, poets, acclaimed Gaelic singers and a chef.
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Video highlights

Watch video highlights from the expedition ›

Guarding the sands of the West Coast

While The Song of the Whale continues it’s voyage to St Kilda I find myself back in Taigh Chearsabhagh to have another peruse of Ian Stephens exhibition as well as a post trip chat with Andy.  Sitting in the café, an elderly gentleman strikes up a conversation that initiates from a minor technological struggle that... Read more ›

The Galley Dance for breakfast

Its breakfast time aboard Song of the Whale and a number of activities are underway in the galley: the coffee machine is being loaded at the far end while in the middle someone is standing with the kettle pouring cups of tea.   I’m not a fan of the porridge, which sits on the galley table... Read more ›


Song of the Whale
I made a pact with myself last night. After spending the day seriously regretting my morning decision to not wash my hair on my one day in two that I can use Song of the Whales shower facilities, I told myself to make the most of the biodegradable washing soap that I have brought with... Read more ›