
In July 2011 Cape Farewell embarked on a month-long expedition by boat across the Scottish Islands, bringing the notion and experience of expedition home to the UK, with an exploration of island ecologies and cultures, and of the strategies for sustainable and resilient futures being implemented across the Scottish Isles. More ›

The Crew

The expedition crew of 40 includes island artists, storytellers, film makers, playwrights, architects, designers, musicians, community leaders, social scientists, ecologists, marine biologists, oceanographers, poets, acclaimed Gaelic singers and a chef.
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Video highlights

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Crows’ Nest

Crows nest
Fiona Cunningham-Reid, our filmmaker, wonders around our boat with her camcorder on the shoulder. She searches for a spot sheltered from the wind to ask about the “impact of Cape Farewell on our work”. I need an escape route. I say that first I want to take some altitude from the project and so decide... Read more ›

Journey’s End

And so back home to Eigg.  Behind me, memories galore and plenty to ponder upon. We’d left Tobermory, finally sailing (albeit slowly and into the wind) north-west to the Isle of Rum, the lurch of the boat being more of a challenge to some than others. Rum, its mountains looming large over Loch Scrizort where... Read more ›


Gach rud an alt an aomadh a’ chuain Agus, na dhèidh sin, àraid: Air fàire, na siùil ‘S na seòladairean a’ seòladh a rèir an iùil; Air taobh an fhuaraidh, ceann-ròin A’ togail ceann Mar na ròin an taobh thall a’ chaoil, Ri blianadh air feadh Eilein Mhaoil. Fèath-nan-eun ‘s na h-eòin A’ biathadh air... Read more ›


Seagulls illuminated by the light of a fishing boat, Canna

Turn, return

Gravestone on Canna
Walking on Canna in clear sunshine with Winnie Mackinnon, whose family have lived here for over 260 years, and Stewart Connor of the National Trust of Scotland, listening to the play of information, memory, myth and weather on these glowing pastures and basalt cliffs, I begin to understand why it’s so difficult to write about... Read more ›


Potato patch
Joining the expedition I’m leaving behind my potato patch which is doing rather well as are my carrots, onions, lettuces, tomatoes, herbs and strawberries. It was Sustainable Uist (SU) that inspired us to start growing our own veg again when we moved here earlier this year. To quote directly from the SU leaflet: “Food miles... Read more ›

Song of the Whale

On Cape Farewell’s Song of the Whale, the last Leg on the journey up north, near to home, Fastmoored at first light, our little cabin Might as well be a black township under fire. Pitching and rocking back and forth in the berth, I turn down my iPod and go to look out The starboard... Read more ›


Under sail, Mull to Rum
Life’s good on Eigg. The sun’s out. The tea room down by the old slipway is doing a roaring trade. The Shearwater ferry’s over from Arisaig on the mainland, and has delivered musicians Gabe McVarish and Ross Martin to the plaintive strains of shoreside piper Dona. They’re playing tonight with Eigg musician Damien Helliwell in... Read more ›

Story of an object

I am interested in how we can draw on the existing materials from the islands and be inspired to find a story within their environment. This story, I believe, is important and creates and emotional connection with an object. If we are able to read the story of an object and are given the beginnings... Read more ›

Mar Chuimhneachan/ in memoriam

Mar Chuimhneachan Shiubhail sinn seachad air Tobar Chaluim Chille Tro thonn-a’-chladaich far an d’rachadh iomadach gille Don bhlàr bhàn gu h-ìseal a chur air an iomain. Sgùrr Eige ‘s an dà Chuilitheann bhuam ‘s a’ chlann a-bhos. Càite bheil na gillean ud an-diugh? Chan eil for no ros Ach, a bhalachaibh, tha sinn fada nur... Read more ›

Bàn/ fallowgroundvacantwhite

Bàn Mun bhaile bhàn ann an Eilean Eige, Fitheach a’ sgiathalaich gu h-àrd leis fhèin Timcheall is timcheall na creige Ri Glac an Dorchadais ri grèin Is an uair sin a’ dol a laighe Mun fhritheach ann am Beinn Taighe. Eilean Eige 20-07-2011   fallowgroundvacantwhite by the fallowgroundvacantwhite townvillagefarmhome on the Isle of Eigg, a... Read more ›

Ràn/ dissonantcry

Ràn An dèidh feasgar a chur seachad a’ seòladh thar na linne (‘S a cainnt fhèin aice) ‘s fàs tinn ‘s nas tinne, Chuir sinn air tìr ann an Rùm ‘s na fachaich ann ri ràn Sa chaolas mun taigh-mhòr, cho ciùin agus rèidh, Far an lìonmhor na cuileagan-meanbh ‘s na fèidh Gu h-àrd anns... Read more ›