
In July 2011 Cape Farewell embarked on a month-long expedition by boat across the Scottish Islands, bringing the notion and experience of expedition home to the UK, with an exploration of island ecologies and cultures, and of the strategies for sustainable and resilient futures being implemented across the Scottish Isles. More ›

The Crew

The expedition crew of 40 includes island artists, storytellers, film makers, playwrights, architects, designers, musicians, community leaders, social scientists, ecologists, marine biologists, oceanographers, poets, acclaimed Gaelic singers and a chef.
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Video highlights

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Abandoned House 1, Vallay, North Uist
local williewaws come quietly close spinning bangles of spray delicate until the punching pressure rocks us not like a baby  


With most of the creelers and the rest Of all the local boys out Of commission forever, it seems, tied Up for good like the swings in the playground On the Sabbath or hauled up above The high-water line, following the guga To Sulaisgeir and Rona or away deep-sea For the season, the gulls go... Read more ›


Gach rud an alt an aomadh a’ chuain Agus, na dhèidh sin, àraid: Air fàire, na siùil ‘S na seòladairean a’ seòladh a rèir an iùil; Air taobh an fhuaraidh, ceann-ròin A’ togail ceann Mar na ròin an taobh thall a’ chaoil, Ri blianadh air feadh Eilein Mhaoil. Fèath-nan-eun ‘s na h-eòin A’ biathadh air... Read more ›

Song of the Whale

On Cape Farewell’s Song of the Whale, the last Leg on the journey up north, near to home, Fastmoored at first light, our little cabin Might as well be a black township under fire. Pitching and rocking back and forth in the berth, I turn down my iPod and go to look out The starboard... Read more ›

Mar Chuimhneachan/ in memoriam

Mar Chuimhneachan Shiubhail sinn seachad air Tobar Chaluim Chille Tro thonn-a’-chladaich far an d’rachadh iomadach gille Don bhlàr bhàn gu h-ìseal a chur air an iomain. Sgùrr Eige ‘s an dà Chuilitheann bhuam ‘s a’ chlann a-bhos. Càite bheil na gillean ud an-diugh? Chan eil for no ros Ach, a bhalachaibh, tha sinn fada nur... Read more ›

Bàn/ fallowgroundvacantwhite

Bàn Mun bhaile bhàn ann an Eilean Eige, Fitheach a’ sgiathalaich gu h-àrd leis fhèin Timcheall is timcheall na creige Ri Glac an Dorchadais ri grèin Is an uair sin a’ dol a laighe Mun fhritheach ann am Beinn Taighe. Eilean Eige 20-07-2011   fallowgroundvacantwhite by the fallowgroundvacantwhite townvillagefarmhome on the Isle of Eigg, a... Read more ›

Ràn/ dissonantcry

Ràn An dèidh feasgar a chur seachad a’ seòladh thar na linne (‘S a cainnt fhèin aice) ‘s fàs tinn ‘s nas tinne, Chuir sinn air tìr ann an Rùm ‘s na fachaich ann ri ràn Sa chaolas mun taigh-mhòr, cho ciùin agus rèidh, Far an lìonmhor na cuileagan-meanbh ‘s na fèidh Gu h-àrd anns... Read more ›

An Dà Chuilitheann/ the two Cuillins

An Dà Chuilitheann Nach eil sinn àraid – Bha sinn a’ seòladh leinn mar chàraid Mun Eilean ‘s Rùm eadar an dà Chuilitheann, Còmhla ‘s gun a bhith le chèile ‘S mo shùil agam air beinn thall ‘s m’ ùidh air tèile Fad’ air falbh uam sna h-Alpaichean Juilitheann. Eilean Rùma 18-07-2011   the two... Read more ›

Don Chaimbeulach/ for the Campbell one

Don Chaimbeulach Am bu tu, saoil, a dh’fhairich mi fhìn thall, A Mhaoilis chòir, a’ siubhal ri Rubha nan Gall Ri taobh a’ chaolais far an siùbhladh tu gu tric? Agus an taigh-solais bhuam agus, ri ràn, Gille-brìde, cleas a’ bhàird ri dàn ‘S e ‘g iolach a-mach gu h-àrd: Bi glic! Bi glic! Tobar... Read more ›


Shot by Fiona Cunningham-Reid

Dàn / fatepoem

Dàn Dàn an Eilein Mhuilich, Nach duilich, An t-Eilean Muileach. Is na bailtean a dh’fhàs bàn buileach A chunnaic mi bhuam thar Chaolas Mhuile Sa cheò sa mhadainn. Sin uile. Caolas Mhuile 16-7-2011     fatepoem the fatepoem of the Isle of Mull, hardsorry, the Isle of Mull. and the townvillagefarmhomes which wastegrewbecame fallowgroundvacantwhite perfectfrugaladvantagecompletely... Read more ›

Aisling / dreamnightmareaislingwomanvisionpoem

Aisling Eadar a bhith na seasamh gu buan Fad na tìde buileach baileach Agus fad aon tacain, Fon uisge mun chuan, Air na bacain Air talamh tioram, Aileach. Dùn Stamhanais 15-07-2011     dreamnightmareaislingwomanvisionpoem eitherbothbetween in its standing hardylonglasting the length of the tideweathertime perfectfrugaladvantagecompletely and the length of one littletacksupportminute, under the water-rain by... Read more ›