
In August 2013 we set sail from Stromness on our second Sea Change expedition, aboard Lerwick community boat The Swan, with a crew of 27 artists, scientists and informers. More ›

The Crew

The expedition crew of 27 includes a wide range of scientific and creative folk.
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Video highlights

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Fish For The Table

Screen Shot 2013-10-08 at 11.35.38
FishForTheTable 03 vimeo from Tam Treanor.

Condenser Hydrophone

We were stuck in Scalloway Harbour for longer than expected due to bad weather so I thought I would try to build a higher quality hydrophone using a condenser microphone. Once all the connections had been soldered I housed the mic in a film canister full of olive oil and dipped it in plastic paint.... Read more ›

First sounds from my Piezo Hydrophone

Not having ever used a hydrophone (underwater microphone) before, I thought it would be fun to try to build one aboard the Swan and hear what the Shetland coastline sounded like. This ‘Piezo Hydrophone’ is built using a simple piezo pickup soldered to a guitar lead and dipped in plastic paint. My first test was... Read more ›