
Posts from Youth Crew (all)

Jethro + Keith Brindle’s QA

By Jethro // Friday 21 Sep // 08:59:00 // 89 Comments // View

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Jethro and Keith Brindle’s Live Arctic QA Session

Friday 21st Sept, 9.30am GMT (10.30am UK)
Following the new video diary from Jethro, he and Keith Brindle will both be online live from the Arctic for 30 minutes to hear your responses and answer questions. The live QA will take place on this page on Friday 21st September at 9.30am GMT. To take part check back and follow the instructions below.
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Akash swimming in Arctic waters

By Akash // Friday 21 Sep // 08:53:48 // 7 Comments // View

Yesterday I went in to the Arctic sea which was about 3 degrees


I need to do glacier work Shona and Nonie are telling me to get off

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Complex and Intricate Wonders

By Shona // Friday 21 Sep // 07:59:54 // 2 Comments // View

Today has been a tiring but successful day. I was able to talk to talk to Dr. Jack Kohler about all the data we took yesterday and the data that has been collected over the last 40 years or so. All of the data was very interesting and I learned a great deal. Jack was very kind and I have a very high respect for him and his work. I was able to ask a lot of questions about the effects of climate change may be having on glaciers. He didn’t give me an exact answer but he explained all the factors that can influence a definite answer and makes it quite a hot topic between scientists. But he was able to show us all the trends over the last years and it can be concluded that over the last 7 years the mass balance has been very negative and the glaciers have been losing even more water than ever before. Glaciers are fascinating geography; they are so complex and intricate natural wonders. I want to learn as much as I can about them and continue to study them. I am really looking forward to doing all the mass balance calculations for myself and to work with the numbers and be able to see and understand the science for myself. I am also excited about showing all the data to the students back at Heritage.

The end is near and I can feel that everyone is looking forward to going home but at the same time there is a quite gloomy atmosphere because none of us really want to leave. We are all looking forward to getting home and sharing our experience with everyone and to start the process of getting people involved and interested (well I know I am). I don’t want to leave this place. The atmosphere here is so pure and real. The land is virtually untouched but yet the effects of mankind can be seen immediately. It will be difficult to adjust to life back home, things that I took for granted or seemed normal might seem absurd or irrelevant. But I hope that this feeling doesn’t die away and that I will be able to hold on to it for as long as I can.

Love and miss you all,
Shona x

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Images from the 20th

By Cape Farewell // Thursday 20 Sep // 22:41:16 // View

[photopress:blomstandbreen_glacier.jpg,thumb,pp_image][photopress:captain_dashing.jpg,thumb,pp_image] [photopress:group_and_glacier1_1.jpg,thumb,pp_image][photopress:group_and_glacier2_1_2.jpg,thumb,pp_image][photopress:iceburg.jpg,thumb,pp_image][photopress:keith_and_jethro.jpg,thumb,pp_image][photopress:landscape2.jpg,thumb,pp_image][photopress:nonie_and_climate_experimen.jpg,thumb,pp_image][photopress:student_discuss_science.jpg,thumb,pp_image][photopress:gert_the_captain.jpg,thumb,pp_image]

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Watch Doriana’s video diary

By Doriana // Thursday 20 Sep // 14:45:27 // View

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Thurs 20th Sept, 3pm GMT (10am Nunavut)
Watch Doriana’s video diary, direct from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard (duration: 1:10mins). Thank you for all your initial questions! If you are a pupil at Victor Sammurtok School join Doriana online for a quick QA at 3pm GMT (10am Nunavut). Follow the link below!
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Doriana’s Live Arctic QA

By Doriana // Thursday 20 Sep // 14:40:31 // 52 Comments // View

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Doriana’s Live Arctic QA Session

Thurs 20th Sept, 3.30pm GMT (10.30am Nunavut)
Following Doriana’s video diary broadcast she will be online live from the Arctic for 30 minutes to hear your responses and to answer any more questions. The live QA will take place on this page from 3.30pm GMT onwards on Thurs 20th Sept. To take part check back and follow the instructions below.
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Hayley’s Live Arctic QA

By Hayley // Thursday 20 Sep // 13:15:08 // 143 Comments // View

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Hayley’s Live Arctic QA Session

Thurs 20th Sept, 1.30pm GMT (2.30pm UK)
Following Hayley’s video diary broadcast she will be online live from the Arctic for 30 minutes to hear your responses and to answer any more questions. The live QA will take place on this page from 1.30pm GMT onwards on Thurs 20th Sept. To take part check back and follow the instructions below.
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Watch Hayley’s video diary

By Hayley // Thursday 20 Sep // 11:25:32 // View

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Thurs 20th Sept, 1pm GMT (2pm UK)
Watch Hayley’s video diary, direct from the deck of the Noorderlicht as they sail towards London, Svalbard (duration: 50 secs). Thank you for all your initial questions! If you are a pupil at Kidbrooke join Hayley online for a quick QA at 1pm GMT (2pm UK). Follow the link below!
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Liam’s Live Arctic QA

By Liam // Thursday 20 Sep // 10:15:38 // 125 Comments // View

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Join Liam’s Live Arctic QA

Thurs 20th Sept, 10.30am GMT (11.30am UK)
Following Liam’s video diary broadcast he will be online live from the Arctic for 30 minutes to hear your responses and to answer any more questions. The live QA will take place on this page from 10.30am GMT onwards on Thurs 20th Sept. To take part check back and follow the instructions below.
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Update from Franzi

By Franziska // Thursday 20 Sep // 09:32:42 // 4 Comments // View

Hey, ich bins wieder, diesmal aus Ny- Alesund!!! Ich hoffe euch zu Hause in Hamburg geht es gut, mir super!!! Das Wetter ist sehr durchwachsen, mal Sonne, mal Schnee, aber immer kalt. Die Sonnenuntergaenge hier sind echt schoen. Ich fuehle mich hier wie in einer anderen Welt, ohne Stress, Laerm und aehnliches…einfach toll… Gestern war ein cooler Tag. Er geban mit dem Untersuchen von Plantkon im Labor in Ny Alesund, wo ich viel neues erfahren habe…mehr seht ihr auf dem Video, das heut Abend reingestellt wird…wir hatten sehr viel Spass bei dem Untersuchen. Und nach dem Lunch sind wir SHOPPEN geggangen!!! Haha, hoert sich witzig an, aber hier ist wirklich ein grosser Shop, der noerdlichste der Welt. Da mussten wir natuerlich etwas kaufen, wie zum Bespiel Pullis, Caps und Postkarten. Dann wurde wieder ein bisschen geseglt. Wir segelten zu einem Gletscher, die sind so unglaublich schoen!!! Nur leider verschwinden sie mehr und mehr. Wir haben es jetzt schon sehr oft “live” miterlebt, wie ein grosser Teil des Gletschers abbricht, das ist unbeschreiblich. Er stuerzt ins Wasser, es gibt grosse Flutwellen, die Geraeusche sind angsteinfloessend. Auf dem Rueckweg von dem Gletscher haben wir eine Seerobbe gesehen, die auf einer Eisscholle sass. Wir konnten ganz dicht ranfahren und tolle Fotos machen(kommen bald in meinen Blog) Dann haben wir zwei Voegel bei einem Kampf, oder einer Paarung, wir waren uns nicht ganz sicher….:D beobachtet, und ganz viele Hirsche auf einem Feld gesehen!
Sonst ist hier auch alles super: Am Montag hatten wir eine grosse Party weil Suba Geburtstag hatte! Wir hatten so viel Spass! Alle sind so nett, wir verstehen uns super toll und haben auch schon Adressen ausgetauscht. Ich will hier gar nicht mehr weg!!!
Naja, morgen gehts dann auch schon wieder zurueck nach Longyearbyen, von da dann nach Oslo und London. Und dann wieder zu euch nach Hamburg!!!
Ich freu mich aber auch schon darauf, euch alle wieder zu sehen!!!!:D
Also bis bald in Hamburg, hab euch lieb xxxx



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