Fair Isle Marine Environment & Tourism Initiative

For information on Fair Isle’s culture, ecology and Marine Protection Area proposal, see http://www.fimeti.org.uk/ and on Facebook   Read More ›

This Woman Has Spent Almost a Year of Her Life Under Water

Scientist and explorer Sylvia Earle warns that the oceans are ‘not too big to fail’. But she also says that just maybe, we’re growing wise enough to save them. By Chris Mooney, Fri. October 4 2013 http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/10/sylvia-earle-inquiring-minds-oceans Read More ›

Profiled project: In the fields artist collective

floating stones is a sea-based art installation, temporarily placed in White Bay (Port Ban) at Tarbert, Argyll. floating stones is made from selected plastic litter, found on beaches throughout Kintyre, Knapdale and Kilmartin. The plastic is arranged like the cup-and-ring marks which are a cultural legacy of the Kilmartin Glen area. Attached to the plastic ring are... Read More ›

Land, language, life on the Lewis moor

Alice Starmore, Donald S. Murray

Lewis artist, designer, photographer and author Alice Starmore writes in Earthlines of the cultural and ecological values of peatlands, and the threats they face not only as a result of climate change, but from the installation of large-scale windfarms. http://www.earthlines.org.uk/Assets/Text,%20pdfs/AliceStarmore.pdf   SPHAGNUM MOSS  Sphagnum moss remembers. It recalls the touchdown of each lark that tumbles... Read More ›

Sea Change in Green World

Arts & Ecology Issue, edited by James Brady: http://www.greenworld.org.uk/

  See the article by Ruth Little on the Sea Change programme, along with pieces by Clive Adams, Dave Pritchard, Peter Gingold and Wallace Heim, and Jai Redman: www.greenworld.org.uk   Read More ›

Sea Change 2012: interdependence

  Thank you to everyone involved in Sea Change 2012: artists, arts and science organisations, local communities and funders. Here’s a map of some of the artist-led activity over the year; as Scotland debates the important issue of political independence, we’re voting for the ecological interdependence of people, places and resources! Wishing everyone a happy... Read More ›

Scientists ask blunt question on everyone’s mind

  Science, society, ethics: the new advocacy. Read about it here: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/12/is_earth_f_ked_at_2012_agu_meeting_scientists_consider_advocacy_activism.single.html Read More ›

Machair. Hugh Harwood

  Machair is a complex eco-system situated on low-lying coastline, comprised of sand with a high proportion of shell fragments (sometimes 80 or 90 % making it fertile). Machair has developed with the effects of strong winds combined with just the right amount of rainfall and, most crucially, the involvement of people and their grazing... Read More ›

Robert Macfarlane’s journey to the Shiant Isles

On Lewis community owned boat Broad Bay

  See Robert Macfarlane’s account of a journey to the Shiant Isles with Ian Stephen on Lewis community-owned sgoth Broad Bay: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443524904577649524150261342.html?mod=googlenews_wsj   Read More ›

Dùthchas na Mara – Belonging to the Sea

Downloadable publication by Iain MacKinnon, Ruth Brennan, Stephen Hurrel

  New research on island fishermens’ relationship to the sea suggests cultural roots to Sound Of Barra dispute A new book investigating the cultural background to the ongoing maritime conflict in the Sound of Barra in the Western Isles is being published this week. The book, called Dùthchas na Mara/Dúchas na Mara/Belonging to the Sea,... Read More ›

Kittiwake Faces Extinction in UK

Population Halves

Kittiwakes on the nest

Kittiwake sea bird could become extinct as population halves since the 1980s | Mail Online. Read More ›


4 May – 16 Sept 2012

CARBON 12, Cape Farewell’s new exhibition opens at Espace Foundation EDF, Paris on 3rd May, with work focusing on the vital exchange between artists and scientists. The exhibition encompasses biodiversity, atmospherics and oceanography – earth, wind and sea. Five artists who have worked with climate scientists exhibit their artworks alongside the scientific enquiry. Artists Lucy... Read More ›

Landscape Scar

Jennifer Wilcox

Landscape Scar by Jennifer Wilcox, from the ‘Hiort’ St Kilda series. Read More ›

Ten Proposals for the Ocean

From UNESCO at Rio+20

‘The changes that will be required to transition to a Blue-Green Economy will be a mix of physical, behavioural and institutional. The objectives below summarise the nature of changes that will be required. Each of the proposals presented in this section are compared against the objectives in the matrix; the purpose being to understand how... Read More ›

IPCC Report on Extreme Weather Events

Special Report

Special Report: Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). This is the latest IPCC report and it looks at how climate change might create more extreme weather events. Read the IPCC’s latest report here http://www.ipcc-wg2.gov/SREX/ With  thanks to Diana Liverman, Co-Director, Institute of the Environment, University of Arizona Read More ›

WAVE/ING at Aberdeen Maritime Museum. Jini Rawlings

26 May -1 September 2012

Aberdeen Maritime Museum 26 May – 1 September 2012     Jini Rawlings  has produced new work based on the log of Aberdeen trawl skipper Alfred Craig and a 19th century journal by Elizabeth Jane Oswald. ‘Bound for Iceland’ combines Craig’s personal testimony from his posting to wartime Iceland with film footage from the artist’s voyage... Read More ›

Arctic Terns

Kenny Taylor

We call them ‘Arctic’ terns. But they could be ‘Antarctic’ terns, or ‘All-the-Ocean-in-Between’ terns. For during one twelve-month period, these beautiful seabirds breed in the northern world, fly down across the Equator and winter far beyond. Arctic terns are the commonest kind of tern breeding in Britain and Ireland. You can see them around Mull and many other parts... Read More ›

Scots Pine and Juniper, Knoydart

Steve McQueen

  Glasgow artist/maker Steve McQueen uses drawing, paint, photography and film to communicate the complexity of environmental ‘edges’ – borders between ecological zones in a constant process of change/exchange. http://www.facebook.com/SteveJMcQueen  http://www.stevejohnmcqueen.blogspot.co.uk/   Read More ›

Culture, Climate, Young People

Thoughts on speaking about climate change

Bill McKibben, Founder of 350.org, author and environmental activist, shares his thoughts on speaking with young children about global warming and climate change. Read More ›

Bird Species & Climate Change

The Global Status Report

The Global Status Report: A synthesis of current scientific understanding of anthropogenic climate change impacts on global bird species now, and projected future effects. Read More ›


Community Investment in Renewable Energy

Pioneering individual and community investment in renewable energy projects Abundance Generation is a new platform that lets small investors put their money directly into tangible, productive and sustainable assets – earning an attractive return from investing in UK renewable energy projects. Hundreds of communities and tens of thousands of individuals across the UK will be... Read More ›

St Kilda / Hiort

Jennifer Wilcox/Ian McNee

A view from the edge Walking around the seabird colonies of St Kilda today is a very different experience from what it would have been 100 years ago. There has been a drastic decline in seabird numbers during the 20th century and through to the new millennium. At the time of the evacuation of St... Read More ›

Archive Letter

Jennifer Wilcox

Archive Letter by Jennifer Wilcox, from the ‘Hiort’ St Kilda series. Read More ›

Plane Crash

Jennifer Wilcox

Plane Crash by Jennifer Wilcox, from the ‘Hiort’ St Kilda series. Read More ›