Bird Yarns. Deirdre Nelson

Artist Diary - Arctic terns descend on Glasgow Botanics!

  Birdyarns is gathering supporters and followers with each and every landing, each time making connections in new, exciting and unexpected ways . Recently singer Jo Mango ( got in touch having spotted Creative Scotland’s post about the birds landing in Glasgow. Much of her songwriting involves birds in one way or another so she... Read More ›

Bird Yarns. Mary Jane Lamond

Artist Diary - Flying in from Nova Scotia

11 June 2012 Just a little news on the Cape Breton flock below…I drove down to Sydney  (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia)  yesterday to meet up with Janice MacKay and Kelly Krawchuk to pick up the Cape Breton flock of Arctic Terns. We met up in a pub and had a great visit, some food and... Read More ›