Macro Micro
Most evenings, we have a lecture from one of the scientists or artists explaining their profession and the reason for being on this expedition. Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez gave us a very interesting presentation on ocean acidification. Debora studies microscopic plant cells[…..]
II I witness ice absorbed by the sea feeding her body of water warming current events on a bed she curtsies with the wind – swoons by the moon she rises and falls over again she resists – giving only[…..]
DJ Spooky at Monaco Glacier
Paul Miller (AKA DJ Spooky, That Subliminal Kid) is a peripatetic New York-based writer, artist and musician. Active globally, he has been DJing around the world since 1995. When not scaling glaciers and circumnavigating Arctic fiords, as he has been[…..]
Arctic Notes 8 – 9/25/10
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] Glacial Arktic Sketch, audio file Arktos Free-verse (scientific style!!!) “One day differed very little from another on board the ship, and the description of one is, in every particular of any importance, a[…..]
September 16th, 2010 Today we hoisted the sails for the first time and I fell in love with sailing: the ropes and pulleys, the way we had to all work together to lift up those massive sails bit by bit,[…..]
Был такой советский фильм “Дети капитана Гранта” по одноименному роману Жюля Верна. Главную роль там сыграл мальчик Яша Сегель. Может, еще кто-то помнит, как он лихо взбирается на верхушку мачты по веревочной лестнице и поет звонким голосом “А ну-ка песню[…..]
The Defloidrise on Monaco glacier
The Great Disappearance
Today we saw a glacier. We see glaciers everyday, white rivers with windows into their depths, windows you could fall into, or out of. They rise like towers and tumble like twins into a salt sea – they will never[…..]
I am a water drop in this sublime giant landscape where the sense of space is lost in reflections, and imagination transports me to paintings of early times of exploration. Hostile landscapes were adventurers arrived hungry for knowledge and discovery[…..]