Tam Treanor
Joins the expedition for week 2 and 3

Tam Treanor (MSc) is a Sound Designer and Software Developer based in Edinburgh (UK). He specialises in building adaptive software applications and data sonification systems for both artistic and commercial use. Tam is currently developing a range of multi-sensory products for disabled groups.
Some of his recent work includes:
Reactive Floor (http://www.tamtreanor.com/blog/reactive-floor/) A dance floor which reacts to the movements of dancers, triggering light and sound.
St Cecilia’s Hall Museum Sampler Instrument Collection (http://www.tamtreanor.com/blog/stcecelias/) A kiosk which enables museum visitors to play the sounds of some of the oldest keyboard instruments in the world.
Birdsong Contextualiser (http://www.tamtreanor.com/blog/birdsong-contextualizer/) A virtual Colony of digital birds who interact with each other generating emergent, synthesized birdsong.
Many other projects can be viewed and heard on his website: www.tamtreanor.com