
Random thoughts while pondering which “o” in Noorderlicht is silent

By Ben // Tuesday 25 Sep // 23:03:57 // 5 Comments

–Our “watch” (6-8, am and pm) has quickly become my favorite part of the day. The company is top notch, and I never feel better on the boat than when I’m on the bridge. Rather than feel every pitch and roll in the gut-as happens below deck-working above, steering the ship or pulling sails in the crisp air and occasional snow, is something invigorating. It feels more of a surf, or a dance, than a helpless jostle and tumble, which is the best way to describe life in the cabin. Like a pair of shoes in the dryer.

–That said-there’s comedy, there’s high comedy, and then there’s watching a bunch of landlubbers try to deal with shuffling about the cabin. Stumbles and near-calamities are frequent (we’re talking every couple of minutes) and we’re averaging no less than 3-4 good spills a day as a crew. There will be bruises.

–We’ve chartered a slightly different course, responding to ice patterns and weather concerns. We’re no longer taking the 78th parallel straight across, but rather taking the hypotenuse straight to Scoresby Sund. The upside to this (besides not sailing into sea ice) is that we’ll have more time in Scoresby, the largest fjord in the world, and by all accounts (including Ko’s) is a place of unspeakable beauty.

Now, I must check out to revive the tumbling tummy with a breathe of fresh midnight arctic air above, and to glimpse a touch of the northern lights through the cloudy cover.

(But not before watching Liam land on his arse.)

Tags: Ben Jervey


  1. Carys Wednesday 26 Sep, 2007 // 7:36:57

    I’m just loving reading your blogs, there indeed the highlight of my day! Your comment about Liam brought a huge smile to my face! Keep up the blogs and tell Liam to get writing.

  2. janet schroeder Wednesday 26 Sep, 2007 // 12:53:35

    It is definitely the second O.

  3. Fiona & Graham Long Wednesday 26 Sep, 2007 // 18:45:56

    I guess the jumblies heads were green because tey were sea sick and their hands were blue with cold. But hey, remember, they didn’t give a button or a fig!

  4. Angela and Dick Jervey Wednesday 26 Sep, 2007 // 23:40:01

    Sounds as if it is incredible journey. We love readinig everything about the trip. Your words are giving us an insiders view into the journey. Hope you remembered your ginger 🙂
    LOve you, Mom and Dad

  5. Lucia Friday 28 Sep, 2007 // 13:30:22

    Your images and experiences are incredibly spectacular! We’re making the journey along with you. Thank you for the adventure! It makes the day! Kathy wonders if this experience is as exciting as learning to ski…??? Stay well. Love, Lucia

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