
Posts from Youth Crew (all)

The launch and everything else

By Hayley // Monday 10 Sep // 17:53:22 // 5 Comments // View

Hey guys its hayley here just writing to tell you what we have been up to these past few days. For the first day we basically got settled into our rooms and unpacking etc. Then yesterday was really exciting when we had the launch. How ever many of us there were we were seperated into two boats we went past parliment a few bridges one in particular London Bridge. It was absolutely fab going super fast in the boats and i wish you all could have been there remeber get your messages in before thursday 20th september when im goin to be blogging live at 2.30 pm. I would just like thank you all for coming and supporting me and Jes Burdett and i hope you have a good two weeks in school ha ha miss you all hope to see you soon lots of love Hayley xxxxxxxxxxx

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Canadian crew meet the Minister for Environment

By Cape Farewell // Friday 7 Sep // 15:01:57 // View


Doriana, Shona and Amélie set off on their Cape Farewell journey by meeting the Canadian Minister for Environment, The Honourable John Baird with Rebecca Zalatan and Martin Rose from the British Council, Canada.

The 3 Students were also wished bon voyage by all their felllow students at a special launch for the team.

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Get well soon Lydia

By Cape Farewell // Thursday 6 Sep // 17:35:38 // View

Earlier this week we had some sad news that Lydia, one of the students joining the voyage from Germany was not able to go to the Arctic due to illness. Katharina will be going to the Arctic on behalf of Lydia and her school.

The whole Cape Farewell team are wishing you a speedy recovery Lydia. We’re sorry you couldn’t make it to the Arctic, but your involvement so far has been fantastic and I’m sure you’re going to carry on doing great things for your school and climate change.

get well soon

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Profile: Katharina

By Katharina // Thursday 6 Sep // 16:34:16 // 15 Comments // View


Walddörfer Gymnasium, Hamburg, Germany

Science Project
Katharina’s project is about the climate in Svalbard and how it has changed over the years. She will work with scientists in Svalbard to collect data about air pollutants and carbon dioxide.

Art Project
Katharina hopes to write a children’s story based on the life of a polar bear. She will base it on her research during the voyage and images she brings back.

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It’s going to be hot & I hate it

By Doriana // Thursday 6 Sep // 14:42:39 // View

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“Hi I’m Doriana. It’s almost summertime… it’s going to be hot and I hate it.” Meet Doriana in footage from the workshops at Victor Sammurtok School and hunting caribou near Igluligaarjuk in Nunavut.  
(Duration: 46 secs)

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Flooding, drowning, help

By Akash // Thursday 6 Sep // 11:40:39 // View

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Hear from Akash and the Cape Farewell crew at Villiers High School, in footage filmed at the workshops earlier this year.
(Duration: 1:02 mins)

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Top down or bottom up?

By Nonie // Thursday 6 Sep // 10:09:08 // 5 Comments // View

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“What worries me about it is the fact that we won’t see it coming until it’s right here and right now… that’s climate change creeping up and us ignoring what’s happening…  until it’s there in our face and we can’t do anything about it.” Meet Nonie and hear from her in footage from the workshops at Canford School earlier this year. (Duration: 1:03 mins)

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Brain coral muse

By Liam // Wednesday 5 Sep // 21:53:22 // View

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Hear from Liam on what inspired his film project and his motivation for being on the voyage. (Duration: 48 secs)

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And it’s gone…

By Jethro // Wednesday 5 Sep // 21:41:03 // View

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“I would like to see what climate change is doing to the planet up front.” Meet Jethro and get an introduction to his projects – with a bit of song and dance thrown in.  (Duration: 1:03 mins)

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Getting people thinking

By Shona // Wednesday 5 Sep // 20:51:14 // View

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“Young people have a voice and it should be heard” Hear from Shona on glacier mass balance and getting people thinking. (Duration: 30 secs)

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