
Posts from Youth Crew (all)

Watch Liam’s video diary

By Liam // Thursday 20 Sep // 09:19:50 // View

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Thurs 20th Sept, 10am GMT (11am UK)
Watch Liam’s video diary, direct from the deck of the Noorderlicht, Ny-Alesund, Svalbard (duration: 1:30mins). Thank you for all your initial questions! If you are a pupil at Riddlesdown High join Liam online for a quick QA at 10.30am GMT (11.30am UK). Follow the link below!
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Doriana in the evening

By Doriana // Wednesday 19 Sep // 21:47:15 // View


Doriana in the evening, Ny-Alesund.

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Images from Wed 19th

By Joe // Wednesday 19 Sep // 19:26:09 // 2 Comments // View


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Hayley on the bowsprit

By Hayley // Wednesday 19 Sep // 17:48:46 // View


Hayley on the bowsprit of the Noorderlicht.

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Shona’s Live Arctic QA

By Shona // Wednesday 19 Sep // 16:25:19 // View

Live QA session is now open and active 
Shona’s Arctic QA Session

Wed 19th Sept, 4.30pm GMT (12.30pm Montreal)
Following Shona’s video diary broadcast she will be online live from the Arctic for 30 minutes to hear your responses and to answer any more questions. The live QA will take place on the link below from 4.30pm GMT onwards on Wed 19th Sept.
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Amelie on the bowsprit

By Amélie // Wednesday 19 Sep // 15:24:57 // View


Amelie on the Noorderlicht bowsprit.

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Stakes and Glaciers

By Shona // Wednesday 19 Sep // 15:04:58 // View

Today I was able to do my science project! We were able to meet up with an American Glaicologist (Jack) and he took us up to see the stakes that he had put in last spring. The stakes are used to measure glacier mass balance (a measurment of how much has accumulated and melted on the glacier over a year). Since the summer has just ended we were looking at how much had melted since he was last on the glacier. The experience was incredible. The sun was shinning and the air was so fresh. Jack is a very kind man and he let us measure for ourselves the stakes and help him take the GPS readings. I learned a huge amout about glaciers and was over whelmed by the size of the glacier and the amount that had melted. It wasnt was dramatic as seeing the ice fall into the water (on the last glacier) but when I stood there and realised how much the glacier had moved over the past century and how fast it was receding made the think hard about what we have done to this planet and what we have to do. It was also very enpowering to know that the measurments that i was taking were going to be documented in real scientific journals and that it would be consulted by scientist all over the world and I did it with my own hands and eyes (at only 16!). T

Tonight is my live blog, so I hope all goes well and that i can speak to yall back home.

Love and miss you all (not too much though) ,

Shona x

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Update from Ny Alysund

By Liam // Wednesday 19 Sep // 13:24:45 // 1 Comment // View

Time: 13:24
Date: 19th September 2007
Location: Ny Alesund

Hey guys,

I feel a bit exhausted today even though we haven’t exactly been trekking over mountains. I feel as if I have learnt so much from a media, art and science perspective. Speaking in front of camera has just turned into a routine; in fact it will seem strange back home with no one behind you with a microphone. I have learnt that no matter what is around you it can be made into art. Scientists have then taught me, about the balance between the environment and humans and how it needs to be stable.
I’m having an amazing time and I don’t want to come back!

Hope you all well

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Jethro on the Noorderlicht

By Jethro // Wednesday 19 Sep // 13:12:12 // View


Jethro on the Noorderlicht
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Ina makes a friend

By Katharina // Wednesday 19 Sep // 13:05:12 // 4 Comments // View


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