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Josef’s Live Arctic QA Archive

By Cape Farewell // Tuesday 18 Sep // 09:31:31 // 28 Comments // View

Live QA session is now closed

Join Josef’s Live Arctic QA

Tues 18th Sept, 10.30am GMT (11.30am UK)
We hope you enjoyed Josef’s video diary broadcast direct from Longyearbyen. Josef will be online live from the Arctic until 11am GMT (12noon UK) to hear your responses and to answer any more questions. The live QA will take place on this page, just follow the instructions below and use the comment box to join in.
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By Akash // Tuesday 18 Sep // 09:26:47 // View

Howdy Everyone,
Its Akash here up in the Arctic. I thought I would give you an update on what’s going on. Yesterday was so amazing we saw glaciers collapse like five times which was amazing because that just showed us that global warming is happening. Also yesterday it was Suba birthday which was amazing we had so much fun dancing around the ship and watching everyone enjoy the nice cake made by Anna.

So that’s my bit done.
Got to go.

Akash – Best Captain on board


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Josef’s video now live!

By Cape Farewell // Tuesday 18 Sep // 08:48:58 // View

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Tues 18th Sept, 10am GMT (11am UK)
Watch Josef’s video diary, direct from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard as the crew gets ready to sail on the Noorderlicht. (Duration: 1:02 mins)

Thank you for all your initial questions! If you are a pupil at Parkview School join Josef online for a quick QA at 10.30am GMT (11.30am UK). Follow the link below!
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Ice sculpture

By Dan // Monday 17 Sep // 21:46:42 // View

See the images from the making of the Ice Sculpture.

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Exploring the glacier

By Liam // Monday 17 Sep // 18:19:55 // View

Hey everyone,
Today has been a weird day, full of mixed emotions. I felt horrified by the crashing of the glaciers. You could hear the thunderous sound of the ice splitting up. It was an amazing spectacle but I never expected to see it first hand. It made be reflect on what a wonderful world we do live in that we have demolished.

I finally got a good nights sleep so I feel much more exhilarated.

I may not be able to speak to you in a while so all the best

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We’re finally here

By Hayley // Monday 17 Sep // 18:18:37 // View


Hey guys we arrived in Ny Alesund today which is a small island in Svalbard. We visited a glacier to dig a pit for Shonas experiment, but we failed as the ice as too hard. Part of the glacier broke off and landed in the sea and we all had to run because it made huge waves LOL!!!! Ms Burdett also fell over whilst we were walking up the mountain and cut her eyebrow and she now has a black eye. Well my live blog is on Thursday so please get your questions in and i’ll be happy to answer them xxx

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Technical problems

By Cape Farewell // Monday 17 Sep // 13:15:15 // View

Sorry! We had technical problems with the website on Monday and have had to reschedule the two QA sessions with both Nonie and Jethro. We apologise if you were trying to tune in for the video diary broadcasts or the QA sessions and were unable to connect to us. We have fixed the problems and are back up and running again. Check the QA schedule for the current times – Nonie and Jethro will both be online again on Friday 21st.

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Watch Nonie’s video diary

By Cape Farewell // Monday 17 Sep // 09:55:47 // View

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Mon 17th Sept, 10am GMT (11am UK)
Watch Nonie’s video diary, direct from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard. (Duration: 1:40 mins). Thank you for all your initial questions. If you are a pupil at Canford School we’re sorry for the technical problems on Monday. Join Nonie online again on Friday 21st for her second video diary broadcast. If you have any more questions for her before then use the link below to add them!
Watch Nonie’s second video diary »
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Sunbathing at the 78th parallel

By Shona // Monday 17 Sep // 09:07:13 // 3 Comments // View

Yesterday was a lovely day. The sun was shinning so we took advantage and lay on deck and finally felt some sun after the last few days of cold wind and temperature. Despite the sun it was still cold but my layers never fail to keep me warm.
After docking at Ny-Alselund we headed off to explore a glacier in hopes of starting my pit (science experiment). Seeing a glacier up close is like nothing I have ever seen before. The films and pictures that you see of glaciers don’t do it justice. The blue colour of the ice is fantastic, it is so clear and vibrant. Right before our own eyes we saw a large part of the glacier fall off and go into the water. The power and strength of the ice is impressive. The noise it makes chills you to the bone. It echoes through the air and disturbs everything around it. The noise is like the glaciers cry for help. It doesn’t sound natural, the glacier is unwell and its thunderous cracks and moans are its way of telling us to stop what we are doing that hurts it so. Slowly it is loosing itself and we just keep ignoring it. When the ice it’s the water it creates massive waves that ripple until they hit the shore. The waves are powerful and its way of hitting us with its anger. If we aren’t careful these glaciers may determine our future and then and only then we will experience first hand the sheer strength and power that these glaciers posses.

Love and miss you all,
Shona x

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Watch Jethro’s video diary

By Cape Farewell // Monday 17 Sep // 08:28:09 // View

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Mon 17th Sept, 9am GMT (10am UK)
Watch Jethro’s video diary, direct from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard (duration: 1:51 mins). Thank you for all your initial questions! If you are a pupil at Frome Community College see another video diary from Jethro and catch his QA rescheduled for Friday. View the initial questions »

New video diary from Jethro

Friday 21st Sept, 9am GMT (10am UK)
Jethro will be posting a second video diary on Friday morning, one of the last video diaries of the Youth Voyage. Stay online after for a live QA with him.
Watch Jethro’s latest video diary »

Live QA with Jethro and Keith Brindle

Friday 21st Sept, 9.30am GMT (10.30am UK)
Sorry for the technical problems on Monday! We’ve rescheduled Jethro’s QA for this Friday at 9.30am GMT (10.30am UK). Jethro, also be joined by Keith Brindle, will be online live from the Arctic for 30 minutes to hear your responses to their broadcast and to answer any more questions. Follow the link below to the QA page to find out more.
Jethro and Keith’s Live QA »

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