
Posts from Youth Crew (all)

Morning Amy

By Amy // Thursday 13 Sep // 07:00:39 // View

Amy gets up at 5am in Stockholm to catch the flight to Longyearbyen!


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Amelie’s diary

By Amélie // Thursday 13 Sep // 06:30:08 // View

Amelie writing in her diary the day before departure.


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Leaving London

By Doriana // Wednesday 12 Sep // 15:30:27 // View


Before leaving London Doriana and Amelie perfect their media skills in the fountain at Southbank with Franzi, Jessica and Amy. 


Jessica Knight helps the team get their luggage ready at Southbank.

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Group photo!

By Suba // Tuesday 11 Sep // 21:00:58 // View


On the launch day the Youth Team pose for a group photo.

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Follow my progress

By Liam // Tuesday 11 Sep // 14:20:42 // 10 Comments // View

Please send all your messages of support and questions to me on the boat and will answer them on Thursday 20th 11.00 UK time but please send them in before Wednesday evening for me to be able to answer them.

Hope you are all well and waiting for your comments


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Arctic Q/A Session: Katharina

By Katharina // Tuesday 11 Sep // 13:12:52 // 11 Comments // View

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Watch the first clip from Katharina at Southbank Centre, London (from Tuesday 11 September), find out how you can follow her during the expedition and read the initial questions posted on the website. (Duration: 45 secs)
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Arctic Q/A Session: Franziska

By Franziska // Tuesday 11 Sep // 13:11:59 // 7 Comments // View

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Watch the first clip from Franzi at Southbank Centre, London (from Tuesday 11 September), find out how you can follow her during the expedition and read the initial questions posted on the website. (Duration: 45 secs)
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*London Eye!*

By Doriana // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:25:28 // 16 Comments // View

Hey Peeps:D

So far, i’ve been very busy. We had a launch 2 days ago. At the launch we did a movement dance thingy, i qiuvaaq and the others moved with it.

After that we went boating and was vidoe taped so i think it’ll show. i hope you guys saw all the interviews i had to do since i was here.

Oh, And Almost Forgot!, make sure all of you, see my video, that should show on thurday the 20th of sept at 10 O’clock. I Should be on at 10:30 in the same morning, answering your questions.

I hope ya’ll ive me some awesome quesions, that will give me more to actually think about. And with some of the questions, i should be answerin with a video!.

Miss you guys, see you soon.



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By Amy // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:23:53 // 2 Comments // View


I’m really enjoying being with all the team, they’re all awseome & we all have a great laugh together. Yesterday was fab, T4 interviewed us & we’re going on T4 on the 4th November at 12 O’clock,really can’t wait…WOOH! It’s going to look really weird watching myself on T4…YEAH! After that the interviews they followed to Pizza Express and filmed Hayley, Akash, Shona, Jethro & Myself talking to Rick, the (HOT) T4 presenter,he’s great fun! It’s really great being here with everyone from Canada & Germany & it seems everyone has a really cool accent, except me. IT’S NOT FAIR! Suba seems to like my acccent and tries to recreate it in her own way, HILARIOUS!

I can’t wait to hear from you all so please blog me & ask me questions.

You can watch my second video by Wednesday 19th September at 11 O’clock.

I will be LIVE on blog at 11.30,straight after my video is posted.

Please blog before that so i can answer to you by video,..Thank you!

Lots of love, Hope to speak to you in Arctic..Amy =]



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By Josef // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:19:57 // View


Hello all.
It is now 2 days after the official launch of the youth expedition and my last full day in my home country so this should be my final message before I set off into the wilderness on an expedition of a lifetime.

Sunday’s launch was very exciting as it involved a very fast dinghy ride around the Thames after a lot of planning and rehearsing of some performances we had to give to everyone present at the launch. Yesterday (Monday) was the day we used for planning art projects and for doing some interviews with T4 (which i found very nerve-racking). Today we are discussing our science projects and practising blogging for when we are actually on the boat.

So, I hope to hear from you soon. A video of mine will be uploaded on tuesday the 18th and will be available from 11:00 (UK time) and 30 minutes later I will be available to answer questions/take comments.

Thank you for your time,
Jozef Tkocz

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