
Posts from Youth Crew (all)

Profile: Lydia

By Lydia // Monday 3 Sep // 12:49:05 // 1 Comment // View


Walddörfer Gymnasium, Hamburg, Germany

Science Project
Lydia’s project is about the climate in Svalbard and how it has changed over the years. She will work with scientists in Svalbard to collect data about air pollutants and carbon dioxide.

Art Project
Lydia hopes to write a children’s story based on the life of a polar bear. She will base it on her research during the voyage and images she brings back.

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Profile: Josef

By Josef // Monday 3 Sep // 12:47:23 // 14 Comments // View


Parkview Community School, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, UK

Science Project
Josef wants to investigate how plankton populations have changed. He will take plankton samples and compare his results with data taken 25 years ago. Plankton are a good indicator of key changes to the ocean and the Arctic Food Chain

Art Project
He plans to compose a piece of music to convey his feelings based on what he learns and experiences whilst in the Artic.

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Profile: Franzi

By Franziska // Monday 3 Sep // 12:43:43 // 9 Comments // View


Franziska (Franzi)
Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium, Hamburg, Germany

Science Project
Franzi wants to look at the type of plankton that can be found at different depths in the water and how they are affected by salinity and the melting of glaciers. Plankton are the vital component of the Arctic Food Chain. 

Art Project
Franzi hopes to find inspiration from the images of the plankton she sees.  She will observe the way they move, their colours and shapes and wants to create a “Black Light Theatre” performing arts piece that incorporates images of plankton.

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Profile: Doriana

By Doriana // Sunday 2 Sep // 21:41:28 // 1 Comment // View


Victor Sammurtok School, Chesterfield Inlet (Igluligaarjuk) Nunavut, Canada

Science Project
Doriana wants to investigate and understand the traditional Inuit “elders” perception of climate change and the changes that are happening to their environments in order to compare them with current scientific views on the topic. In Svalbard she is looking specifically at weather patterns over time.

Art Project
Doriana sings in the ancient Inuit tradition of ‘throat-singing’. She will create songs inspired by her experiences on the voyage and perform them. (See Doriana throat singing in the Canada documentary on the website!)

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Profile: Nonie

By Nonie // Sunday 2 Sep // 12:58:04 // 2 Comments // View


Canford School, Dorset, UK

Science Project
Nonie hopes to answer the question “Is the ice melting from the top or the bottom?” through her research in Svalbard.  She wants to research the effects of the air temperature and sea temperature on ice melting. 

Art Project
Nonie wants to create symbolic representations of what is happening to the earth as a result of global climate change.

We would like to send a big thank you to Greenstone Carbon Management for sponsoring Nonie on the expedition.
Greenstone Carbon Management

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Profile: Shona

By Shona // Sunday 2 Sep // 12:52:41 // 2 Comments // View


Heritage High School, Montreal, Canada

Science Project
Shona wants to find out if the glaciers on Svalbard are melting, by studying the mass balance of a glacier. She will find out about the age of a glacier and its characteristics.

Art Project
She’d like to capture the beauty and significance of the Arctic’s glaciers and create a photographic installation in the entrance hall to her school.

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Profile: Jethro

By Jethro // Sunday 2 Sep // 12:45:42 // 2 Comments // View


Frome Community College, Frome, Somerset, UK

Science Project
Jethro wants to find out how the salinity of the sea is affected by the melting of sea ice and glacial ice. 

Art Project
Jethro wants to create “An Exhibition for the Senses” using sound, artwork, photos, video clips and textures.

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Profile: Amélie

By Amélie // Saturday 1 Sep // 12:39:06 // 4 Comments // View


Chambly Academy, Montreal, Canada

Science Project
Amélie wants to observe variations between species of plankton in the sea by taking several samples of plankton, a range of distances from a glacier, to see if plankton species vary according to salinity. Temperature and salinity are a crucial component in the study of how oceans currents work.

Art Project
Amélie wants to collect images and ideas to paint a mural at her school.  She also wants the image of the mural to be on the cover of the school’s student journal.

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Profile: Akash

By Akash // Saturday 1 Sep // 12:31:24 // 1 Comment // View


Villiers High School in Southall, West London, UK

Science Project
What affects the melting rate of glaciers? Akash wants to know how the air temperature affects the way glaciers melt. He plans to measure the air temperature of a glacier from the top to the bottom.

Art Project
Akash hopes to collect a variety of sounds for his school from the Arctic, including sounds of glaciers, wildlife and wind, which will go towards a piece of sound art.

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