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Franziska’s video now live!

By Cape Farewell // Friday 14 Sep // 08:58:46 // View

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Fri 14th Sept, 9am GMT (11am Hamburg)
Watch Franziska’s video diary, direct from Longyearbyen, Svalbard as the crew gets ready to sail on the Noorderlicht. (Duration: 1:20 mins)
Thank you for all your initial questions! If you are a pupil at Lise-Meitner join Franziska online for a quick QA at 9.30am GMT (11.30am Hamburg). Follow the link below!
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Norway and all it has to offer

By Shona // Friday 14 Sep // 07:59:03 // 4 Comments // View

Im in Svalbard!

After a long day of flying we have finally made it to Svalbard. We took 4 flights and crossed 3 countries to get here but it is well worth the time. It is just breath taking. The mountains and the glaciers are like nothing that i have ever seen before. The land is so vast and enormous it is had to believe that humans could even live here.

          We are sailing today up to Ny-Alesund today. It is almost a 2 day trip and i am really looking forward to it. We have to do 3hr watches and i hope that mine is at sunrise. Today we are off to the school and shopping (a norwiegan kroner doesnt go far) then its off to sea.

Send your comments i want to hear from you and get my school as involved as they can be. My video is going up on the 19th at 12. Et un gros merci aux chums de RMC pour leurs commentaires, votre support est tres apprecier. Love you mum, dad and the others,

 Talk to you later,


p.s i hope that i dont get sea sick!

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Ny Alesund next destination!!!

By Amélie // Thursday 13 Sep // 18:42:29 // View


 Since my last blog, we’ve done tons.  We visited Big Ben, the parliament, covent garden, oxfort St., and the london bridge. All very fun, but we’ve also been working really hard.  We’ve been modifying our science projects as well as our art projects.  Yesterday, we took the plane to stockholm and slept there, then today sept.13, we’ve taken 2 more flights and are now in longyearbyen up in Svalbard.  The settlement here is bigger than I imagined, and the mountains are absolutely stunning.  We’ve just finished eating pizza at the youth group here where we met tons of other kids.  The ppl here are great.  We played Table football and it was a lot of fun.  Tomorrow we are headingto Ny Alesund, and we will be staying on the boat.

 Keep sending me lots of comments. 

My next video is on Tuesday 18th of september at 12  and I will be on the web half hour afterwards.

 Anyhow gtg, byebye

Peace amelie

P.S.  Hey chambly, friends and ¤family¤ everyone else c ya

 signing out

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Arktis ich komme!!!:D

By Franziska // Thursday 13 Sep // 18:35:39 // View

Moin Moin aus der seeehr kalten Arktis!!! Ich bin hier erst in Longyearbyen, morgen geht es nach Ny Alsund in die “high Arctic”! Hier schneit es uebrigens auch- echt cool. Wir wollen morgen einen Schneemann bauen:P

  Mir geht es hier sehr gut, ich hab echt sehr viel Spass. Alle sind so nett- heute waren wir in einem Jugendclub in Svalbard und haben mit den Norwegern geredet und Tischfussball gespielt. Es hat sehr viel Spass gemacht.

Morgen geht es dann auch schon mit dem Segelschiff los. Alle sind schon aufgeregt und freuen sich auf die Reise. Aber es ist super schoen, auch wenn es hier so gut wie kein Gruen gibt. Der Tigerentenclub (…:)..)war heute auch schon fuer ein Interview da, die drehen hier grad einen kurzen Film. Der kommt im Januar im Fernsehen.

Ich hoffe zu hause in Hamburg ist alles schoen und ihr habt genauso schoene Erlebnisse wie ich sie hier habe!

Farewell, Franzi

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Start Off Of “B’s” Voyage:D

By Doriana // Thursday 13 Sep // 18:23:42 // View

hello To My Peeps!

Sorry I Didnt See The Queen In London, We Were Always Too Busy.

Well. i am now in Svalbard!! Reminds me of home! i mean the weather, not the mountains:( But Still Cool!

We Just Got In Today, Wednesday The 13th Of September.

We left London at 7pm, london time, so that would be 11 in the morning in chester.

We Went through Stolkholm Sweden, Where Abba And Matts Sunden Was Originally From. Then We Passed Through Oslo Norway and Tromso Norway. Now We’re Finilly In Longyearbine Svalbard!! Yay!”.

So We Are Now In A Youth Centre. Its awesome here, its like a house, it has a foos ball table, a pool table up stairs, couches, a tv, a Dj area, a room just to hang out, i guess, oh and a washroom:P.. And We Should Be Setting sail Tomorrow!, Were staying at a hotel, for tonight. It has lots of seal skins, seal skins almost every where!. Oh and we went to a museum. Most if not all of the animals here are like the ones from home, but they have raindeer, and we have caribou. Their raindeer are TINY!, i mean their fat, but they have short lags!, their like 4 feet tall to the

So, ill be answering you all, 20th of september, miss you all.



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First night in Longyearbyen

By Akash // Thursday 13 Sep // 18:02:36 // View


Akash and the team spent the evening at the youth club in Longyearbyen. 


Amy with a friend from Svalbard at the youth club in Longyearbyen.


Nonie blogs from the youth club in Longyearbyen while Duncan and Joe film.

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Arrived in Longyearbyen

By Nonie // Thursday 13 Sep // 18:00:46 // View


Thank you for all your comments! Oh yes and i have been doing more than just looking at the hot t4 guy… we arrived in Longyearbyen today- had 3 flights to get here and when we stepped off the plane it was SO SO cold… that sounds silly but it really was…  We are in the town youth centre at the moment and have been round the museum- lots of stuffed polar bears, arctic foxes etc… also found out some stuff about plankton, glaciers and birds- MR LOYD- will try and get some pictures of the birds for Mr. Hooker. We leave on the Norderlicht tomorrow afernoon to go to Ny Alesund so when i have started myt science projects i will start posting some stuff about it aswell- if that’s helpful.

 Lots of filming and interviews- even in the airport when it was all quite stressful! Problem is you can’t say anything otherwise they film you even more! It’s really interesting here- such a different way of life and the community is very close… the scenery is amazing- I have taken loads of pictures to post on my blog or show when i get back. Learning lots and the people and students are GREAT.

 Hope everyone’s well, write me some questions soon!

LOTS OF LOVE Nonie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Tigerentenclub interview

By Katharina // Thursday 13 Sep // 16:01:32 // View


Franzi and Katharina record an interview for German children’s TV show Tigerentenclub – the German Blue Peter – on the quayside at Longyearbyen Svalbard.

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Arriving in Longyearbyen

By Hayley // Thursday 13 Sep // 14:15:43 // View


Amelie and Hayley arriving in Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

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BBC London News

By Cape Farewell // Thursday 13 Sep // 13:38:15 // 1 Comment // View

The youth team are featured on BBC London News discussing their projects and expectations for the trip. The feature focuses on Hayley, Akash and Liam as the London residents prepare for the Arctic.

See the video online

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