
Posts from Youth Crew (all)

Gruesse aus London

By Franziska // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:17:20 // 21 Comments // View

Hallo, ich bins Franzi, herzlich Willkommen in meinem Blog. Die letzten Tage waren sehr aufregend, auch wenn ich noch nicht in der Arktis bin. Wir werden hier in London auf den Workshop vorbereitet, besprechen die Kunst und Wissenschafts Projekte mit den Lehrern und Kuenstlern. Am Sonntag gab es hier eine grosse Feier, wir haben uns im Southbankcenter vorgestellt und eine unglaubliche Bootsfahrt auf der Themse gemacht. Alle sind sehr nett und wir koennen es kaum erwarten endlich in die Arktis zu fahren!!!! Wenn ihr Fragen oder Anregungen habt, oder mir Nahrichten schicken wollt, koennt ihr das gerne machen, nur bitte vor Donnerstag Abend. Denn Freitag werde ich live eure Fragen beantworten. Ich freu mich darauf, tschuess und bis bald in Hamburg!!!

Eure Franzi xxx

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Welcome to my blog

By Franziska // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:17:00 // 1 Comment // View

Hello everyone, now the same text in english. I’m having a wonderfull time in London. Sunday there was a big launch and we did a very funny boat trip on the Thames. yesterday we were talking to art teachers toady is science. We also had an interview with T4. Was amazing.

So I am looking forward to going to the arctic,

bye bye
Franzi 🙂

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New people, new place, new adventure….

By Nonie // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:15:27 // 7 Comments // View

HeY GuyS!!!!

Thank you all so much for your comments… you all feel like such a long way away right now! Was nice to hear some people from the ‘castle’ as Canford has been nicknamed by the people here…

I am now so used to have a camera in my face the whole time it feels weird when there isn’t one there! The launch was amazing but so busy – straight from the presentation to the trip down the river in our coats and hats holding these massive flags – we looked so cool…. I’m sorry only a few people could come – would have loved to see more of you guys – thank you so much for coming to see me!

Have learnt so much in the last couple of days – from how to think like a scientist to how to answer a question from some horrible journalist… had an interview from T4 which was exciting – well meeting the presenter was – he was gorgeous..!

Hope you’re good,

lots LOVE Nonie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

P.S> Remeber to ask me questions and send your support by sunday because on monday the 17th at 11 am my 2nd video will and i will be answering and replying then! MISS U XXXXX

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Farewell Farewell

By Liam // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:10:50 // 1 Comment // View


Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

I’m having a great time, but we are certainly being kept busy. We have had talks from a scientist, Mark Maslin who spoke about how we can tackle climate change. We also have had a series of workshop, the art and media being my favourite. It was a brilliant experience filming as well as being filmed and art workshop inspired me to do a series of art pieces. We also had a interview with T4 and we all had to act really funky.

Bye for now

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Speed in the Thames

By Jethro // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:10:25 // 8 Comments // View


Hi everyone,
The official launch of the cape farewell youth project was on Sunday, it was amazing, we were flying up and down the river Thames in little inflatable boats, there was a lot of shouting and waving! My video will be on the blogs on Monday 17th September at 10am and you can all talk to me 30 mins later on the blog so get blogging!

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By Amélie // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:08:44 // 3 Comments // View

Hello ppl,

Right now I’m in London and so far I’ve had tons of interviews and I’ve met so many ppl.  Everyone are kool and interesting.  On sunday we had the cape farewell launch in London and we went for a really fun boat ride.  We waved to our fans.  We went all way to the London Bridge and back to the parliament.  We got of beside the London Eye, where I soon plan to embark.  Anyhow I am enjoying everything and learning lots.  Keep blogging for more info.

 Peace, amelie tremblay-martin


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Willkommen in meinem Blog

By Katharina // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:08:28 // 5 Comments // View


Hallo, ich bin es Ina! Auch wenn ich bis jetzt noch nicht in der Arktis war, waren die letzten Tage, hier in London, unglaublich!
Am Sonntag war eine grosse Feier im Southbank Centre, wo wir uns als Teilnehmer der Cape Farewell Youth Expedition 2007, vorgestellt haben. Danach sind wir hinunter an die Themse gegangen, wo wir in Schlauchboote gestiegen sind, mit denen wir vom House of Parlament zur Towerbridge gefahren sind und wieder zurueck. Es war ein unglaubliches Erlebnis. Am Montag haben wir einen Workshop gemacht, wo wir unter anderem unser erstes Video aufgenommen haben und mit einen Englischen Fernsehsender Interviews gefuehrt haben. Ich hoffe es geht genau so spannend weiter wie bisher und wuerde mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr mir bis zum Donnerstag den 13. September alle eure Fragen in meinen Blog schreibt, die ich dann am Freitag den 14. September um 11:00 Uhr ueber live blogging beantworten kann.

Liebe Gruesse

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By Shona // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:06:53 // 5 Comments // View


Hello everyone back at home!
Im in london and having a wonderful time. As you can see i have met everyone on the trip already (see image) that was taken during a lovely evening stroll along the Thames.This is my first on many posts to come. Everything is going well, everything cape farewell is comming along well. We have been in workshops and trainning all day. I have been constatly followed by cameras and i am getting rather used to it (i think that i could become a reality tv show star pretty soon). Im excited about leaving for the Arctic. We had a kit check and i think that i came out on top with my super canadian gear. ha. We leave on tomorrow and im really looking forward to it. Anyway i have to pass on the computer, but i will be back and there will be more to come and pictures will come shortly.

lots of love and waiting your comments,


p.s send me comments and i will answer them in my second video that will be up on wedensday the 19th at 12 mtl time. CHECK IT OUT!

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By Akash // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:05:44 // 3 Comments // View


Howdy everyone,
Its Akash here blogging in Central London. I’ll be going to the Arctic on Wednesay along with the Canadians, Germans and several students from Britain. It will be really exciting and I’m lookig forward to it. I’ll hopefully be making a labyrinth while I’m up in the Arctic along with my other 2 art projects; sound and pictures seen in unusual ways.

Remember to watch my video on Friday 21st September at 11 am UK time and from 11:30 am UK time I’ll be online ready to chat to you.
See you soon and send your messages in.
Akash :):):):)

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The start of an amazing journey

By Hayley // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:03:18 // 12 Comments // View

Hey again guys just a quick blog to let you know whats been going on. Ill start from the launch, as you already know we had the launch yesterday which was absoluetly fab we all really enjoyed it and thanks to those who came along. We also worked in groups and created a dance/movement in my group i worked with Amilie, Joe and Franzie. Our group was based on biodiversity. We had to perform infront of roughly one hundred and fifty people it was amazing hearing the applause we got after knowing they were applauding us. Yesterday we were working with the media recording videos of each other which will be posted on the website very soon ( All of us also got interviewed by T4 and there will be a programme showing on the 4th November at twelve oclock. It was fab as we got to meet the presenter Rick. Anyway please get your messages in and ill reply when im on on the bloggs live at 2 oclock on 20th september thanks xx

P.S The rest of the team are ace love them all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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