

By Shona // Tuesday 11 Sep // 12:06:53 // 5 Comments


Hello everyone back at home!
Im in london and having a wonderful time. As you can see i have met everyone on the trip already (see image) that was taken during a lovely evening stroll along the Thames.This is my first on many posts to come. Everything is going well, everything cape farewell is comming along well. We have been in workshops and trainning all day. I have been constatly followed by cameras and i am getting rather used to it (i think that i could become a reality tv show star pretty soon). Im excited about leaving for the Arctic. We had a kit check and i think that i came out on top with my super canadian gear. ha. We leave on tomorrow and im really looking forward to it. Anyway i have to pass on the computer, but i will be back and there will be more to come and pictures will come shortly.

lots of love and waiting your comments,


p.s send me comments and i will answer them in my second video that will be up on wedensday the 19th at 12 mtl time. CHECK IT OUT!

Tags: Shona


  1. Jean-Pierre LeBlanc Tuesday 11 Sep, 2007 // 18:24:12

    Shona, Congratulations on your selection for this very important adventure. After graduation from RMC with your dad, I spent the entire summer in the Canadian Artic in a place called Alert (on top of the world). We currently live in Helsinki Finland where nature is at its best. Our nieghbours went on a similar expedition to the northern islands of Norway. The pictures they took were fantastic. They got some really good pictures of polar bears and ice bergs. I look forward to reading and hearing your reports. Safe travel and if needed you are more than welcome in Helsinki.

    Bon voyage….

  2. JP Couturier Wednesday 12 Sep, 2007 // 1:47:26

    Hello Shona,
    I have passed on the Cape Farewell info to my RMC classmates (les Morices) and I can see that JP Leblanc has already responded.
    I have also passed it on at work and everyone is wishing you good luck.
    Every night we check the site en famille and your siblings are making comments as usual. Take care


  3. Jean-François Ducharme Wednesday 12 Sep, 2007 // 20:10:53

    Bonjour Shona.

    Je suis journaliste au Courrier du Sud, sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal, et ton expérience est très intéressante. J’ai parlé à Geneviève Audet, du Centre d’information sur l’environnement de Longueuil, qui m’a parlé de ton expérience, et je vais écrire un article sur votre projet.

    Comment se passe ton séjour jusqu’à maintenant?
    As-tu hâte d’aller étudier la fonte des glaciers?
    Qu’espères-tu découvrir lors de ton voyage?
    Est-ce que tu autorises que l’on publie ta photo, qui se trouve sur ton blogue, dans le Courrier du Sud?

    Tu peux me rejoindre sur mon adresse personnelle, le

    Merci beaucoup et bonne chance,
    Jean-François Ducharme
    Le Courrier du Sud

  4. Mavis Hoffman Friday 14 Sep, 2007 // 17:48:18

    Hi Shona, Mrs. Mullins sent me an email yesterday about your adventure. I haven’t read to much yet but I’m going to. I’ll be letting all the Major students know about the excitement. Hope you have fun! TTYS.

  5. Josee Dionne (sister of JP Dionne) Thursday 3 Jan, 2008 // 9:26:13

    Hi Shona! I don’ know you (good idea this travel!) but I know Jean-Pierre Leblanc (I’m the sister of Jean-Pierre Dionne, RMC too, Royal Military College) and yesterday while talking to my parents, I learnt that Jean Pierre Leblanc has got a second child (news went around as all the Morices met during this last Christmas…) and I just wanted you to contact Jean-Pierre Leblanc today and say my congratulations to him and his wife! And concerning the Canadian Artic in a place called Alert (on top of the world) where Jean-Pierre (Leblanc) has been, well, I remember very well, because he brought me an extremelly beautiful stone from the permafrost, like many three-dimensional stars all solidified together,…you can tell Jean-Pierre (Leblanc) my congratulations for his second beautiful child and that this beautiful stone is now standing right in front of my eyes here, in Beijing, China where I work as an architect. Wherever I’ve been this stars have been along with me: Canada, Usa, Europe and now Asia. I thought that Jean-Pierre was in London as my parents told me yesterday (my brother told my parents…) but he is in Helsinki, anyway…today I typed Jean-Pierre (Leblanc) and London on Google and then I come to you and then I find out your website and then I find Jean-Pierre writing on your website…Life is really amazing!
    Good luck with your endeavour Shona! (who is your father by the way in the Morices group?)
    I know few of them as I was at the RMC for a wonderful Bal!
    Your life is really on the right direction, I enjoyed a lot reading your prose, you should prepare yourself to write a book, as you are very critical and make many relevant observations and imaginative associations.
    I look forward to it!
    Happy New Year to all adventurers of the planet!
    Please forward my email to JP:

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