
Password, “Darling”

By Amélie // Wednesday 19 Sep // 10:26:06 // No Comments


Its been great here.  We’ve been working really hard.  Today as you probably already know I saw a reindeer from only approx.5 meters away. Too cool, and we did a dance.  If you look on the photos posted up on the web you notice that we’re all wearing blue hats, these hats represent creative partnership, back in London we had an interview with them it was really cool. They’re friendly ppl.  Also, we got interviewed several times by T4.  For those who have no ideal what T4 is, it’s a T.V. channel that is exactly like the cw11 or KTLA.  The shows supernatural, smallville, gilmoregirls, and one tree hill is on it.  It is my absolute favourite channel.  Anyhow back to the expedition, we’re getting along really well and I couldn’t hope for more .Last day we were asked to think up of a word that represents what we’ve been feeling through this exhibition and my word was FREEDOM.  The power to feel free is a gift.  There is no pressure, and best of all no expectations.  Ppl don’t judge you and you are not expected to be anything other than yourself.  Therefore, I’ve finally let my personality shine and I’m really happy.

I am enjoying every moment and I am not looking forward to the end of this expedition.  I would love for it to continue, because it has placed me in a realistic environment, in which I can learn and improve.

If anyone is wondering why my title is “Password, “Darling”” it is because everyone on board calls each other darling.  This is how close we’ve all become.

Who are all these darlings, there they are
The cape Farewell students, Liam, Ina, Franzi, Joe, Amy (love), Hayley, Shona, Akash, Jethro, Doriana, Nonie, and myself.
The Adults Cape Farewell, Colin, Suba, Jess, Keith, Mark, Joe, Duncan, Dan, Rebecca,
The Adults Boat Crew who have become part of the team, Anna, Christian, Barbarra, Renzkee, Gert

Tags: Amélie